On the Incarnation #14

from the Treatise De Incarnatione Verbi Dei by St. Athanasius.. ..from my Substack The Trinity Sends St. Gabriel to Announce to Mary the Incarnation, Pietro Novelli, Il Monrealese You know what happens when a portrait that has been painted on a panel becomes liberated through external stains. The artist does not throw away the panel, but…

all of Yours is mine.

.. Friday series, Vol 1, Issue 1 .. from my substack Water to Wine God, my Father, I offer all my desires, intentions and prayers in union with the desires and prayers of Jesus for this little work. Amen. +JMJ+ The Crucifixion, Fra Angelico, Sharon Mollerus/Flickr .. dearest, God bless you, it’s Friday! Liturgy What I…

Life is charming..

.. On seeing the hidden charms of life. .. from my substack God has made it so. Heckfield Place in Hampshire, England The phrase such charms of life came to me on my way to Mass this past Sunday, 15 minutes before the feast of Christ the King in the Roman Calendar. This was after I found my…

How to Crush on God.

.. lighting a candle for Who we love. .. from my substack. 🙂 Eglise Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Paris - Oldest church in Parish by candelight, Ingo Schommer/flikr When I was getting ready for Mass, I couldn’t find my favorite silver drop earrings, the ones I always wear. They weren’t on my desk, they weren’t on the vanity in…


.. an s-note from my Wine to Water substack. I’ve really had a hard time focusing these past couple of days. You know why.. It feels like I need confession, a purge. Here’s where I am mentally, spiritually, physically: -I cannot write. -I’m having difficulty praying, sitting still, focusing. -All the prep I did for Nano evaporated,…

3 ways God touched my heart in a moment

Allegory of Charity by Zurbarán It must have been my fatigue. Not that we did anything mentally vigorous today in our teacher training.. We were introduced to new virtual learning management system today. People spoke while I leisurely tried intuiting the platform. It was an easy, second day back, but by the time 3p rolled…

Caveat City*

Delivery of the Keys, Perugino Entering the fray - August 9, 2020 update I try again, this time, publicly putting my cowardly writing neck out there through @thedivinemirror. I've no clue who will follow along - I can't say I would, there's hardly any structure to what I'm proposing as a writing group - but…

On healing.. and remembering purity of heart. #snapshotmicropost

detail from the Allegory of Charity by Zurbarán.. Yesterday, I'd listed a slew of holy books I'd surrounded myself with these past couple of days. I've decided to dive back into Francisco de Osuna's The Third Spiritual Alphabet - while keeping In Sinu Jesu, my New Testament, my Breviaries accessible for the next several weeks.…